This foundation course is designed for the students of B. Sc. (Electronics). This course will enable them to understand the fundamentals of microcontroller and its applications in the field of Electronics.
Name of the Course: Foundation Course in 8051 Microcontroller
Facilitator: Dr. P. A. Saudagar
Course Content:
Theory: 20 marks
Internal: 10 marks
Practical: 20 Marks
This course is based on the study of Intel’s 8051 Microcontroller, which would enable students’ to understand development of embedded systems. Further, the course is helpful to the students to be self-employable.
Microcontroller 8051
Unit 1 Architecture and features, Internal and External memory, Flags, SFR Map, SFR Function, Accumulator, Register B, Port registers (P0, P1, P2 and P3), Power Management (PCON)
Unit 2 Instruction set: Data transfer, logical, arithmetic, interrupt handler, Addressing Modes
Unit 3 Subroutine and Stack, Need for Subroutine LCALL and RETURN Instructions, ACALL Instructions, Nesting of subroutine, Stack Operation and Stack Instruction, Branching (Jump Instruction), simple programs
Unit 4 Interfacing with Keyboard, display - LCD (16 x 2), ADC and DAC, LED Matrix and Serial communication with personal computer
- Teacher: Admin User